As a starter my name is Frederik A. Vohnsen and i am 18.
I live in the northern part of Europe in a country called Denmark, it might sound kinda dull but many well known persons come from Denmark!
The beautiful model Helena Christensen and the second most popular model in the world at the moment, Freja Beha are great examples of this.
If you check the blog tommorow i will show you some pictures of myself and i will tell you more about my education wich involves fashion.
Tommorrow i have been invited to the theatre to watch a london troup perform a comedy-cabaret, and of course there will be photos for you of the show as well of my outfit for this occasion!
See you tommorrow!
Ps. Remember to tell me wich photos you like the most, in the post above. It will make things more exiting when i reveal what they are here for!Thanks
Til at starte med hedder jeg Frederik, jeg bor i Danmark der har huset mange spændende personer som Helena Christensen og Freja Beha. Hvis i husker at besøge bloggen i morgen vil jeg fortælle mere omkring mig selv, og vise jer lidt billeder af undertegnede.
I morgen er jeg blevet inviteret til Århus for at se en London trup opføre et Komedie-cabaret, og jeg vil selfølgelig ikke snyde jer for billeder af denne forestillingen samt billeder af mit outfit til denne begivenhed.
Glæder mig til at se jer i morgen!
PS. Husk at tilkendegive jeres mening omkring billederne i det første post nogensinde på bloggen! Det vil gøre tingene endnu mere spændende for jer senere.
Freja Beha
Helena Christensen
Love Freja!!!! Stunning photos!
SvarSletStop by my blog sometime dear! Hope you like it:)
Thanks for stopping by! I'm sure you blog will be fabulous! I'd love it if we could follow each other:)
Helena is gorgeous ! and still now !x
love those photos! nice blog! hope u check out mine!
SvarSletfollow me on:
Denmark does have some very nice exports. Both Helena and Freja are gorgeous.
SvarSletAll the best with the blog! :)
gourgeous pics!!