Usually i travel with my wonderful girlfriend, but there are only two i always bring along when leaving my homecountry: My beloved Iphone and camera
So now i will take you on a trip back in time to see some of my vacations! Enjoy.
We will start with ITALY:
During the weeks there will be more travel posts from France, greece and muxh more, just BETTER! I have so many photos from my shopping trip to Paris that i want to share with you guys!
Wow, it's beautiful. I went to Italy two years ago, to it's fot. But I've never been to Rome;( So thanks for sharing the photos and drop by me too, soon.
I havent been in Italy for a while now, its nice to have my memories refreshed by your photographs.
SvarSletI also really like the concept of your blog!
all the photographs on my blog were taken by myself, thank you