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mandag den 14. marts 2011

I'm a traveller!

Like everyone else i love to travel. One of my first romances was Italy and since i was there for the first time 5 years ago, i have payed the wonderful country a visit at least once a year.
 Usually i travel with my wonderful girlfriend, but there are only two i always bring along when leaving my homecountry: My beloved Iphone and camera
So now i will take you on a trip back in time to see some of my vacations! Enjoy.

We will start with ITALY:







During the weeks there will be more travel posts from France, greece and muxh more, just BETTER! I have so many photos from my shopping trip to Paris that i want to share with you guys!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Wow, it's beautiful. I went to Italy two years ago, to it's fot. But I've never been to Rome;( So thanks for sharing the photos and drop by me too, soon.


  2. I havent been in Italy for a while now, its nice to have my memories refreshed by your photographs.
    I also really like the concept of your blog!

    all the photographs on my blog were taken by myself, thank you
